The intersection of Marketing, Creativity and Innovative Problem Solving.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What we can learn from Beyonce... is less more?

Beyonce surprised the world with an album release that included none of the traditional marketing efforts. As a marketer, it's an important decision deciding when less is more. Usually, less is not more in terms of marketing. This less is more philosophy works best when a brand already has an engaged audience, strong brand recognition, and deep loyalty. I would not recommend this tactic for a small business, but an established one, looking to revive buzz with the unexpected... definitely a great option! Plus, there's a lot of bang that comes from the publicity following.

Google Analytics

One of the best free resources a marketer can use is Google Analytics. It has it's drawbacks, but for the cost ($0), it's an ideal tool to really drill down and understand how visitors are interacting with the content on the site.

The process to install Google Analytics is fairly simple and straight forward, but can vary depending on the setup of your site. If you need help with this, let me know!

Here's a great slideshow I came across that shares 10 things you need to know about reading the data in your Google Analytics account.